We finished off our Tuesday Summer Holiday Club sessions with an End of Summer Party held in Bangor Football Club on the 29th August.
It was great to have so many people join us, many familiar ones but also a lot of new ones too! A special shout out to all the individuals from Antur Waunfawr- it was lovely to see so many of you in attendance!
Dewi did an amazing job as our DJ and kept the tunes coming to get everyone dancing, and we had some brilliant Karaoke tracks too!
A big thank you to the "Two Grumpy Guys" ice cream van who came out to the party and provided everyone with an ice cream of their choice- the sun even came out for us too!
Here are some photos from the afternoon- I think we were all too busy having fun to take many!
Our next party will be our Halloween Party- Wednesday 25th October 6-9pm! Look out for the poster coming soon!